【問題】Ptt diet?推薦回答

作者:Lappé, Frances Moore

Frances Moore Lappé is the author or co-author of twenty books about world hunger, living democracy, and the environment, beginning with the three-million-copy Diet for a Small Planet in 1971. She ...

作者:Editors of Cider Mill Press

Good ideas ripen with time. From seed to harvest, Cider Mill Press brings fine reading, information, and entertainment together between the covers of its creatively crafted books. Our Cider Mill be...

作者:Jacobson, Michael F.

Michael Faraday Jacobson is Cofounder and Senior Scientist at the Center for Science in the Public Interest. He is the author of Six Arguments for a Greener Diet and other books.

作者:Efferding, Stan,McCune, Damon

Stan Efferding is the founder and co-author of "The Vertical Diet" and co-founder of The Vertical Diet Meal Prep company and the "Vertical Tracker" app. Stan is an IFBB Professional bodybuilder an...

作者:Holford, Patrick

Patrick Holford is founder of the Institute for Optimum Nutrition in London. He is also director of the Food for the Brain Foundation and an honorary fellow of the British Association of Nutritiona...

作者:Morsia, Matt

Matt Morsia (MattDoesFitness) is the UK’s No.1 Fitness Vlogger, with over 240 million views on YouTube. A former athlete, PE teacher and personal trainer, he is known for his funny, honest and info...


一體適用的節食計畫,根本就不存在! 性格才是決定體態的關鍵! 逾3000人實證有效!美國超人氣美女營養師的新創減重妙方 ☑照顧者  ☑神力女超人 ☑蛇蠍美人 ☑ 空靈仙子 找出自己所屬原型,打造專屬於自己的飲食計畫,才能真正擺脫肥胖! 營養學╳心理學╳功能醫學╳認知行為學╳自然療法 多管齊下,不只要你瘦,更要你身心健康! 劉博仁/醫師‧台灣基因營養功能醫學會理事長 鄒瑋倫/中醫師‧作家 ...

作者:Minaki, Peter

Adams Media provides helpful, funny, and inspiring books on a wide variety of topics, so no matter who you are, we’ve got you covered. Our editors are just like you--living, loving, and learning ev...


吃得對,才健康! 相信身體訊號,怎麼幸福就怎麼吃!   ◤面對食物,你是否曾有過以下經驗?   ◎因為壓力大或心情不好而大吃大喝,事後感到後悔,就用運動或節食來「彌補」錯誤   ◎勇於嘗試各種最新的節食法或減肥新招,成功瘦了幾公斤後卻又復胖   ◎比起「加工食品」,在吃東西時總是傾向選擇「天然無添加」的食物   ◎覺得現代生活充滿太多毒素,為了健康,身體有時候也需要進行排毒   ◎吃東西前...

